Troubleshooting and Servicing HVACR Electrical Systems
Safety and Hazard Awareness
Page V
Aluminum ladders can be hazardous if they are accidentally raised into a power line. Non‐conducƟng
ladders made of fiberglass or wood should be used. These ladders will help protect you from a shock
to ground, but
from a shock between two live wires.
When servicing any equipment, unless power is required, shut off the power supply and lock and
tag it.
When working on live circuits, avoid contact with damp or wet surfaces.
Use only properly grounded power tools.
Do not wear jewelry.
Discharge all capacitors before touching the terminals (use a 15K ohm, 2‐waƩ resister).
Check all test leads and probes for cracks and broken insulaƟon.
Do not use metal ladders.
Wear shoes that have insulated heels and soles.
Always follow the NaƟonal Electrical Code.
Always remember that your life and the lives of others depend on your safety pracƟces.