Electrical Theory & Applications for HVACR
©2012 ESCO Group
Student Worksheet
Page 103
Chapter 5: Automated Control Systems
Name _______________________________
Date _____________________
1. What has made it possible to replace old analog thermostats with microcomputers?
A. Consumer demand
B. Government demand
C. Electronic processor technology
D. Lower manufacturing and installaƟon costs
2. A building controlled by (BAS) is oŌen referred to as:
A. An intelligent building system or a smart home
B. A best asset system
C. An intellectual building system
D. A Beta Alpha System
3. Most companies have their own proprietary controllers for specific applicaƟons. Some controls
are designed with limited funcƟonality, such as:
A. Mobile limitaƟon
B. StarƟng or stopping devices
C. Computer limitaƟons
D. Determining proper design temperature
4. LonTalk competed with CEBus by using:
A. MicrosoŌ
B. Mobile devices
C. Satellite communicaƟon
D. Power line technology
5. A DNS server must be used with a Wi‐Fi connected control that uses a/an:
A. Dynamic IP address
B. StaƟc IP address
C. FloaƟng IP address
D. IPV6‐SSID address