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Electrical Theory & Applications for HVACR
capacitor‐start capacitor‐run motor
a motor that uƟlizes a start capacitor for high starƟng torque and a run capacitor for running
the negaƟve terminal of an electrical device
centrifugal switch
a switch that uses a combinaƟon of weights and springs to open its contacts at approximately 75
percent of a motor’s RPM; wired in series with the start winding and/or start capacitor
electrical wires and components that allow current flow in a complete loop, away from the energy
source and back again
circuit breaker
a safety device designed to automaƟcally open a circuit at a predetermined overload of current
clamp‐on ammeter
current measuring device that senses the strength of the magneƟc field around a conductor
wire arranged in a spiral shape (usually around an iron core) that creates a strong magneƟc field when
current passes through it
a terminal, connecƟon, or other part of an electrical circuit that is shared by different components
a tube used to carry and protect electrical wires; can be metallic or non‐metallic
mechanical or electrical joining of two parts
contact points
movable points that complete a circuit when pressed together; usually made of tungsten, plaƟnum,
or silver
an unbroken line or conƟnuous path through which electricity can flow
an automaƟc or manual device that directly operates electrical supply to the equipment
the quanƟty of electricity equal to a current of one ampere in one second; one coulomb equals 6.25 x
1018 electrons passing a point in one second