Understand different units of measurement
IdenƟfy series, parallel, and combinaƟon circuits and find voltage, current, resistance, and
IdenƟfy the difference between single‐ and three‐phase circuits, and understand their
Recognize electrical symbols
Understand the procedures for electrical measurements such as voltage, current, resistance,
and waƩage
Know the differences between conductors, insulators, and semi‐conductors
Understand wire sizing
Define protecƟon devices and tesƟng procedures
Explain the differences between loads and switches
Know tesƟng procedures for loads and switches
Explain the differences between step‐up and step‐down transformers
Describe the funcƟon of a solenoid
Know the procedures for tesƟng transformers
Explain the differences between relays contactors and motor line starters
Know the procedures for tesƟng relays contactors and line starters
Explain funcƟons and test procedures for defrost Ɵmers
Describe the different thermostats and their funcƟons, as well as test procedures